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Showing posts with the label #CamotesIsland #Canotes #Cave #Philippines

Camotes Island, Philippines

Camotes Island is rich is Nature Caves in Camotes is quite a Number..according to Google heheheh  It was like every Corner if Camotes is a Room.... There are so many and it is really clean and much to enjoy in swimming so clean and bright , so clear that you can see what's in the bed of the water...Some has been incorporated with Resort" and where you can stay for night or so. Inside the Cave is there are man chairs for you to stay and table as well if you wish to . There are Cave that has wide opening and to those who are claustrophobic can stay or sit while waiting for the family or friends that enjoy the beau inside the Cave. Beaches, as it is an Island of course the The seashore is 100% white and clean in every corner of Camotes is a place to Enjoy for swimming for walking and jog as the air is so fresh ... There are famous beaches as well where the seashore is so wide hmmm yeah it's nice to sit un